Transbeskidzki Szlak Konny PTTK
September 2021
Brenna - Wysowa Zdroj
We travelled 3 weeks. We took some days to rest during the trip.
We had 13 riding days and we did 300 km.
Highest point 1375 m.
It is important that your horse is healthy and has a good condition.
These are mountain trails and they are not easy.
We also walked a lot next to our horses.
We recommend hoof-protection (our horses have hoof boots and it worked well).
We bought all the maps of the areas we are riding through. We use comfort! map from ExpressMap.
The first days we had a lot of rain, after that it was nice and warm weather and we had a lot of sun.
Day 1
Monday 30/08 start in Brenna
We started our journey in Brenna but not at the normal start point.
We choose to start at Rancho Salamandra.
Jarek Salamandra
Ul. Pasternik 8
43-438 Brenna
501 573 853
We went to the big road and took right, we followed it around 2 kilometers and then we took the yellow route to the left, going up in to the forest.
Then we came on the black route, here you see the horse route sign (the white square with the red dot) and followed it till we meet the red route going to green and red again riding to Wegierska Gorka. Then you need to follow red again. We missed it and went by the road.
It is not bad but we think it is better to go throug the forest like the route is going. But it is a bit longer.
We stayed the night in Zabnica at Alaska.
They do not have a room but because of the bad weather (and it was already dark) we could stay last minute. In the street are a few places with rooms.
38 km 11 hours
1445 meters going uphill
1290 meters going downhill
Highest point 1139 meter
Beskidzki Klub Turystyki Konnej "Piekiełko"i Gospodarstwo agroturystyczne
ks. Karola Åšmiecha 269
34-350 Alaska
33 860 43 09
Day 2
We left Alaska and followed the black route, then they all come together (Green, blue, yellow and black) normally you need to follow the black route but because of the bad weather we wanted to take a shorter route so we took the green one. At some point it is very narrow and slippery but the horses did well.
Then you ride to Hala Lipowska, a mountain shelter. You can eat something there. We stayed the night there because of a storm.
From there you follow the yellow one and you will have some more places to eat and rest.
Going over to the red route and to the green one till you are in Korbielow.
There you can stay the night.
First part:
8.55km 3 hours
690 m uphill
30 m downhill
1236 m highest point
Second part:
15.61km 5 hours
470 m uphill
1080 m downhill
1325 m highest point
Pensjonat Połonina w Korbielowie
Ul. Szczyrbok 56
34-335 Krzyzowa (Korbielow)
33 863 40 33
Day 3
We leave the stable at Korbielow and take the road to the left until we meet the bigger road. There also left until you see the yellow route on the right side.
There you need to cross a wooden bridge. Then you go over to the red route till you are at Mendralowa. Take yellow till Magurka and from there we took the asfalt road to Dyzma in Zawoja where we stayed the night.
25km 8 hours
1015 m uphill
1125 m downhill
1180 m highest point
Stajnia pod Babią Górą “Dyzma"
Zawoja 151
34-222 Zawoja
Day 4
Something went wrong here.
We took the wrong way in the beginning and a part of the horse trail is in bad condition. It is very horse unfriendly. With a lot of stones and tree roots. It was very steep and slippery and not nice but we managed.
So we took the big road to the right and took the first road to the right following the blue route (to the wodospad) that is already wrong. So normally you need to follow the road a bit further. After blue we took yellow (this is the very bad part) and red. Until we took the stairs down coming on a big road, crossing it, going over the parking and taking green in to the forest again. Then we took the asfalt road all the way to Zubryca Gorna where we stayed the night at Alan-O.
20km 7.5 hours
880 m uphill
730 m downhill
1292 m highest point
Zubrzyca Górna 58
Małopolska 34-484
Day 5
A lot of asfalt road.
Starting from Alan-O we followed the big road to the left until we see a shop. There we turn left.
The horse route is going at the big road to the right but they recommend to just follow the big road to the left because it is easier.
So we turn left at the shop and from there we follow yellow. You need to see the wooden church and over there you need to cross the main road. Dangerous point.
So yellow going over to red route and the best thing is to find a place to sleep in Ludzmierz.
We slept in the woods, we did not ride till Ludzmierz.
24km 7 hours
630 m uphill
630 m downhill
900 m highest point
Day 6
Next day also a lot of asfalt, we followed red till Szaflary, we took the asfalt road to Sadel and took the blue bike route going to red again till we arrive in Bukowina Tatrzanska.
34.54km 9 hours
685 m uphill
450 m downhill
1009 m highest point
Górski Ośrodek Jeździecki
Bogdan Pietrzyk
ul. SÅ‚oneczna 17
34-530 Bukowina Tatrzańska
18 20 77 290
604 37 22 77
Day 7
This road is marked well till Niedzica. The last part is a lot of asfalt but it is a nice route.
So the main road to Brzegi through the fields to Jurgow and horse route to Niedzica.
We stayed the night in a chalet park.
Best thing is to let them know in advance so they will not cut the grass.
16km 4 hours
435 m uphill
440 m downhill
992 m highest point
U Dobrego Ducha
Profesorska 3
34-441 Niedzica-Zamek
Day 8
This day we did it all wrong!
We went through the pieniny park, witch is forbidden for horses. And it was a very difficult road. We were so happy we finally find the way out of the park. So the photo of our map is not the good one!
This is the right way:
Go around the lake following the main road and stay on the main road when you crossed the second bridge. Then you turn left (droga Flisakow) to Puski to the left the main road then to the right until you are in Kroscienko nad Dunajcem. Cross the water by taking the big bridge and go right to Szczawnica there you go to the right and follow the blue route till Durbaszka then left on the asfalt till you are in Jaworki Biala Woda were you stay the night in the Agroturystyka of Andrzej Mos and his family.
We did:
31km 9 hours
975 m uphill
910 m downhill
822 m highest point
Gospodarstwo agroturystyczne Biała Woda
ul. Biala woda 44
34-460 Szczawnica
Day 9
Today we do not follow the original horse route. Andrzej Mos from Biala Woda explained us a better route with an adres were you can stay the night.
We leave Biala Woda, on the road we go to the right and follow the red route.
Going up hill and then riding next to the border of Slovakia. Then switch to green. We really liked this day. It was an easy, nice day and on the way you will see Chata Magory, there you can eat something. We had very tasty Pierogi. Then you follow green till Piwniczna Zdroj. Take the first big bridge and when you are over it take the street to the left. Follow the street next tot the water crossing the spring where you can tap water and then to the right to Lomnickie.
There we stayed for the night. We slept in the brand new building above the stables.
It is not finished yet but when it will be finished it will be very nice.
21km 6 hours
615 m uphill
855 m downhill
1037 m highest point
Ośrodek Jazdy Konnej Piwniczna-Zdrój
Lomnickie 7
33-350 Piwniczna-Zdroj
692 712 546
Day 10
We had the chance to have a personal guide. The owner of the stable went with us on his horse and showed us a shortcut. So if you have the chance that they have time to go with you, it is very nice!
We parted on the way to Labowska. We took yellow and then red until we passed Labowska. Over there you can eat something. We went to the blue route then yellow again, crossed the big road following yellow and arriving at Jakubik, close by the city Krynica-Zdroj.
We were lucky we could stay the night there but you need to find a stable there in the area.
In the night probably a dog or a fox stole a shoe of our horses so we needed a new one. We wanted to try to go further without but it was too difficult because of the stones that are everywhere.
So next day we rode to Ropki.
30.66km 8.5 hours
1360 m uphill
975 m downhill
1079 m highest point
Day 11
We followed the road to the left to Mochnaczka nizna and took the red route over there all the way to Ropki where we stayed the night.
16km 5 hours
480 m uphill
700 m downhill
770 m highest point
Magda i Marcin Dardzińscy
Ropki 14
38-316 Wysowa-Zdrój
Day 12
We ordered a new shoe for the horses, sending it to the in-post automat in Wysowa-Zdroj but it took to long to ship it so we ended our journey over there.
So we took the blue route to Wysowa-Zdroj.
It was a very short day.
We were lucky we could stay for 2 nights at Wysowa-Zdroj. Over there my parents picked us up again with the trailer.
5.35km 1.5 hours
145 m uphill
120 m downhill
654 m highest point
Oslawa Stanica Konna
Wysowa-Zdroj 71
38-316 Wysowa-Zdroj
If you want to know more details about the route for example names of the places or mountains you will cross, you can find it on the website of PTTK.
There is a description they made 20 years ago.
If you have some questions you can mail us and I will try to answer them.
Iris Reszczynski and Geert Dries
And our two Camargue horses Dior Du Coeur and Calisto De Mejanes